This module will introduce you to core concepts around data:
What is data?
What makes digital data different?
What is the role of data in decision making?
What is the business case and return on investment for data?
What technologies are associated with data collection and data management?
You’ve probably encountered a lot of different ideas related to data and digital technology in your everyday life and in your farm business. That said, navigating the key concepts related to data can be challenging, so in this module we will break down the topic to get you prepared to go deeper into agriculture and farm data in the rest of the course. No prior education or experience is required.
After completion of this module you will be able to:
1. Describe the different types of data, ways to describe data and the data lifecycle.
2. Understand the opportunities and risks associated with aggregate data and big data.
3. Identify important pieces of data infrastructure.
Data is a useful resource to your farming operation - let’s start digging into how and why.