Developing Threats

New and Important Threats are Developing

Now, let’s look at the kinds of real cyber threats that are out there in farming and the rest of the food system. Take a few minutes to read the stories attached to the following links - they give a sense of the range of exploits that have already targeted various parts of our food system.

For more reporting on this incident see articles in  The Hill  and from  ZDNet .

For more reporting on this incident, see this article in  Cyber Defense Magazine .

No formal list of cyberattacks in the agri-food sector has been made. Due to the potential social and business consequences of disclosure, these instances are likely to be under-reported. This is especially true for individual farm operations. Small companies may not disclose publicly because of the stigma around talking about losses and victimization, and there is currently no obligation to report. Farms of all types are likely subject to various types of cyber incidents, sometimes without their knowledge. In cases where it is uncovered, it is often dealt with without media reporting. 

That said, the cybersecurity of our food system is starting to gain attention in the news media:

Next:  🔒Categorizing Cyber Threats