
In this module, we have looked at the importance of strong data management practices for your ability to make good use of your agriculture data. In brief, we stressed the importance of intentional planning and the critical role that high quality data collection plays in supporting the other parts of the data lifecycle.  

While trusted advisors and technology vendors are critical partners, growers have a central role to play. This is especially true when it comes to data collection and deciding what your farm data is used for. As a farmer, you are involved in the day-to-day operations of your farm and have a central role to play to ensure that the data being collected is as accurate, reliable and complete as possible. The reality is that low quality data will only ever produce low quality outputs and low quality decisions.

Finally, the module dove deeper into the concept of the data lifecycle: data acquisition, storage, processing, usage, and disposal. The data lifecycle is a tool that you can integrate into your existing farm management and farm planning processes. By actively planning the goals you want to achieve and the data you need to collect, you get the most out of the investment of time and money you have made in digital agriculture technology.

Looking ahead - the next available module is  🔐Module 6: Cybersecurity .

This module will introduce you to key concepts and practices around cybersecurity and cyber resilience for your farm business.